
Password safe download sourceforge
Password safe download sourceforge

password safe download sourceforge

Password Safe is freely available and distributable under the restrictions set forth in the standard Open Source Initiative (OSI) "Artistic License." A copy of this license The latest program updates, documentation, and news can be located at. Password Safe is an Open Source project hosted at. These files may be generated by otherĪpplications, exported from a spreadsheet, or even written by hand using The user name and password are entered and the data is submitted to the login page for validation. Auto Type to easily and quickly enter username and password information with a single click.An entry's password history is accessible via the "Password History" button in the Edit Entry dialog box. This is useful to show compliance with password policies as required in some workplaces, and to revert to a previous password if a change did not take effect for some reason. Password Safe allows you to keep the last few passwords that were used with a given entry, along with the date that they were set.Maintain many different password databases. Password Safe provides mechanismsįor backing up and restoring password databases. Back up and restore password databases.One group can contain one or more sub-groups. Passwords used for the similar purpose canīe added to a group. Random passwords are not dictionary words so are generally hard to guess. Generate random password for you based on the Password Policy you define.The smallest storage unit is an entry used for entering Group, Title, Store existing usernames, passwords, IDs, or whatever you want to keep.A single Master Password unlocks them all Number of usernames / passwords and allows you to safely and easily maintain

password safe download sourceforge

Password Safe is a password database utility. Introduce Free Password Manager - Password Safe

Password safe download sourceforge